Vocal Sanctuary
30min weekly sound gatherings via Zoom *$15 suggested/pay what you can
Next Gathering: TBA
Come together to sound and sing as a somatic practice and as a form of connecting more deeply with Self; with your heart, nervous system and presence. The shape of our time together will begin with orienting to your body and breath, moving into gentle vocal attuning/toning with crystal bowls, followed by gently guided melodic call and response. Because this is over zoom, it’s a little different, as your mics will be muted. So rather than the energy and dynamic of group singing, you will be connecting in an intimate exploration/cocoon with your own voice and mine. This time may be used as a landing place for you. There are no rules to follow, but choices you get to make in how you'd like to vocalize/relate with your voice...(even if that means silence).
I like to know a little bit about who is joining me and what your relationship with your voice is like. If you have any physical/physiological issues as well as questions about your voice as a whole. So when you first sign up I will reach out to schedule a free 30 minute ‘get to know you and your voice’ conversation if you would like one!
Email: Jill@thevocaluniverse.com for any questions and to be placed on the mailing list. Once signed up you will receive a weekly email with instructions for payment and zoom links.
What people are saying about their experience in Vocal Sanctuary:
“I don’t have a quicker way to get to myself. It centers me and then a grace arrives: sometimes what comes is a soft vulnerability that makes me and my life feel lovely and connected, and then sometimes it’s like a keening where I let out sounds that take me to the sobs that have been wanting to be released for a while, but life gets in the way. I feel timeless and it sounds awful and yet also beautiful and haunting. What I hear when I make those sounds is what women have been doing for millennia in grief—when allowed. We take our voices for granted all of the time, yet Jill leads in such an intimate way—with zero psychologizing or reaching for anything—for us to connect our voice to the rest of ourselves. I love how I just sit down and it’s a funky format with us all on zoom and not hearing each other in our sounds, but just Jill. So each of us is only vulnerable with ourselves, but likely doing what we would never do on our own! I love how it’s so deep in the opposite of singing well and performing in our world. I know too many folks who were told they couldn’t sing. And I think folks should reconcile this essential part that shut down. It matters when we make noise. It’s a therapy. Thank you so much, Jill, for making your unique gift a gift that I give to myself.”
~Cynthia S.
“Being a part of Jill’s vocal sanctuary has been pure medicine each time. Regardless of how I show up I always wrap up feeling more confident, grounded and alive. Jill holds such an incredible container! It’s one filled with non judgment and safety. I also really love the questions she asks us as we explore sound in and around our body. It’s been such a gentle way for me to enter my body and settle into the present moment. It’s as if a song has permission to move throughout me and around me. Settling and sensing my capacity. Dancing and healing me in ways. I think we are meant to be together in this way and I’m so grateful for Jill and this space she has created.”
~Kelly H.